Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wanna be a Jimmy?????

It was 4 O'clock in the morning, and I was driving back from a great party in my 20-year-old mini-minor.
Suddenly I felt that my tire was flat.
There I was, sitting in the dark, complete with the knowledge that I did not have a spare.
What to do?
Who can I call in the middle of the night in this unknown neighborhood?
I felt lost.
Then I remembered that the person who told me about this party lived in the neighborhood.
I didn't know him very well but I thought he might still be awake.
So I phoned and told him my story.
Within 10 minutes the man was assessing the damage, and contemplating the next step.
Within 30 minutes I had a new tire and was on my way home.
This was Jimmy.

I will never forget Jimmy as he taught me the meaning and the importance of service.

We all have our own Jimmies.
Those people that gave us service without any expectation, and became imprinted on our hearts.

The first person that gave you service was your mother.
Your mother fed and bathed you, changed your cloths, took care when you were sick, made sure you'll receive your education, to name but a few.
This is why we can never get over our mother... (Remember that for the next Mother's Day...)

Other people who served you would be your father, your extended family, your teachers and your friends...
Many were there for you on your path...

Yet, at the end of your life, who will you remember?
You will remember those people that were there for you, when you needed them most.
People that came at 4:00 a.m. to change your wheel;
Those that came with chicken soup when you were sick;
Those that remained when you were in trouble;

For whom were you available?

Service is synonymous with support.
It is the giving of assistance or support to another with an absence of judgment.
Today, this term is used mostly in the business sense.
However, in relationship, it has a much more important role.

When you are in a relationship because of certain reasons, remember that these reasons will change with time.
Let's say that you entered a relationship because your partner is funny.
After a few years you heard all his/her jokes. Not so funny anymore...
The same goes for intelligence...
As for beauty - well, beauty fades away.
If it is money that you're after - money comes, money goes...

The only quality that transcends time is service.
Service is about taking care of each other.
We never forget those who served us and we'll always be touched by them.

Jimmies are rare but immortal.
How about becoming a Jimmy?

Courtesy: http://www.inspiration2go.com/articles/support-2.php

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Persistence is the number one reason for our success. Joe Kraus