Saturday, July 24, 2010

Michael n Rose wedding

It was a bright sunny day.

Children were showing off their play skills in the lawn outside the 250 years young church.

Guests were seated on the benches inside the church.

It was an auspicious day in the life of Michael.

He was about to wed his long time girlfriend and sweet heart Kate Rose.

They would soon be pronounced as husband n wife.

He was eagerly waiting to kiss.

The choir started the wedding hymn.

Ohhhh here comes the bride and all the guests rose off their seats for Rose.

Music was pleasant and there were giggles n smiles flashing the church.

Bride was smiling wholeheartedly.

Michael was there on the dais with a large grin on his face.

The black tan of his skin color suited the suit he was wearing.

The bride was as milky white as the wedding gown she was in.

As the hymn rose to the higher notes, Rose approached the dais.

And then












































they got married. Any thing special in that?????

Now get back to work n good day ahead

(small composition by me n not copied from sources... Sundar)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Avoid the phrase: I have to go to work

This article has to do with six of the most common words in the English language: “I have to go to work.”

In all probability, it’s absolutely true that you do “have to” got to work. Nevertheless, these particular words carry with them some really negative baggage that, I believe, is self-destructive.

Other than your thoughts, your words are your primary entry point into your experience. When you “have” to do something, it implies that it’s not a choice – that you would rather be somewhere else, doing something different. This, in turn, implies that your heart isn’t fully into what you are doing, which makes living up to your potential extremely difficult and enjoying your experience near impossible.

So, when you say, “I have to go to work,” you are in a subtle way setting yourself up for a bad day. This doesn’t mean you’ll always have a bad day – but it certainly increases the likelihood.

Beyond that, however, there is a more subtle negative message you send to yourself and to others. It seems that deep down, what you’re really saying is, “I don’t like my work. I’m not capable of choosing work that I enjoy.” What a horrible message to say to yourself (or to someone else) about something you spend most of your time doing! Think about it. If you really loved your work, why would you be saying, “I have to go to work? Do you ever say, “I have to start my weekend now”?

Courtesy: Email fwds

You catch more flies with honey

When I see someone acting aggressively or intimidating someone, pushing their weight around, or being manipulative, I feel like reminding them that, in the long run, you really do catch more flies with honey. Simply put, it pays to be nice! Sure, there are times when being pushy or aggressive will assist you in getting your way – you can scare away, intimidate certain people some of the time. But I believe that this type of aggressive attitude and behavior almost comes back to haunt you.

When you are kind, loving, and patient – when you are fair, a good listener, and when you genuinely care about others – your attitude comes across in all you do. As a result, people love to be around you and will be comfortable and trusting in your presence. They side with you, share their secrets of success, and want to assist you in any way they can. Very simply, they delight in your success.

When you are gentle, people are drawn to you like “flies to honey.” They forgive you easily when you make a mistake and are willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. When they talk about you behind your back, their comments will be positive and upbeat. You will have a notable reputation.

It’s unfortunate, but the opposite is also true. When you’re difficult or demanding, your positive qualities are often overlooked, disregarded, or forgotten. In addition, you create a great deal of stress for yourself with an adversarial, aggressive attitude. You’ll be looking over your shoulder wondering who, if anyone is on your side. When you’re pushy, you actually push people away. But when you’re gentle and kind, people are drawn to your energy and sincerity.

Courtesy: Email fwds

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Don’t worry if you do not have some facility

A jobless man applied for the position of 'office boy' at Microsoft. The HR manager interviewed him then watched him cleaning the floor as a test. 'You are employed' he said. Give me your e-mail address and I'll send you the application to fill in, as well as date when you may start.

The man replied 'But I don't have a computer, neither an email'. 'I'm sorry', said the HR manager. If you don't have an email that means you don’t exist. And who doesn't exist, can’t have the job.'

The man left with no hope at all. He didn't know what to do, with only $10 in his pocket. He then decided to go to the supermarket and buy a 10Kg tomato crate.

He then sold the tomatoes in a door to door round. In less than two hours, he succeeded to double his capital. He repeated the operation three times, and returned home with $60.

The man realized that he can survive by this way, and started to go every day earlier, and return late. Thus, his money doubled or tripled every day. Shortly, he bought a cart, then a truck, and then he had his own fleet of delivery vehicles.

5 years later, the man is one of the biggest food retailers in the US. He started to plan his family's future, and decided to have a life insurance.

He called an insurance broker, and chose a protection plan.

When the conversation was concluded the broker asked him his email. The man replied, ‘I don't have an email.'

The broker answered curiously, 'You don't have an email, and yet have succeeded to build an empire. Can you imagine what you could have been If you had an e mail?!!' The man thought for a while and replied, 'Yes, I'd be an office boy at Microsoft!'

Courtesy: Email Fwds

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Be willing to apologize

Whenever you are in some service – or when you are taking risks, making things happen, interacting with others, or in the public eye – you are bound to make mistakes. At times you are going to use bad judgment, say something wrong, offend someone, criticize unnecessarily, be too demanding, or act selfishly. The question isn’t whether you will make these mistakes – we all do. The question is, can you admit to them? If so, the question becomes, can you apologize?

Many people never apologize. They are either too self-conscious, self-righteous, stubborn, or arrogant to do so. The unwillingness to apologize is not just sad; it is a serious mistake as well. Almost everyone expects others to make mistakes and with a humble and sincere apology, almost everyone is willing to forgive. However, if you are a person who is either unable or unwilling to apologize, you will be branded a difficult person to work with. And over time, people will avoid you, speak behind your back, and do nothing to help you.

The ability to apologize, to admit mistakes, is a beautiful human quality that brings people closer together and helps us succeed. By simply acknowledging our humanness and saying “I am sorry” when appropriate, we bond with others and increase their trust in us. Obviously, you must never apologize as a tool of manipulation, to try to get a response like this or to get something out of it.

When you apologize from your heart, you keep most of your existing doors open. Occasionally, you may even open doors that had previously been closed.

Courtesy: Email fwds

Do not panic unnecessarily

People panic about practically everything—missed deadlines, orders not received, comments by others, fear of mistakes, negative trends. You name it and someone has panicked about it. Yet I’ve never seen even a single instance where the panic actually helped to solve the problem. Instead, panic is neutral at best and greatly interferes at worst. Panic tends to bring out the worst in everyone. It makes others (and you) feel tense and fearful. It increases the likelihood of mistakes, missed opportunities and miscommunications.

Nothing interferes with the creation of success and abundance like panic. When you make the commitment to stop panicking, you’ll notice some incredible things happening. First, you’ll notice that a vast majority of what you are most worried about will never happen, or it won’t be as bad as you first thought. It was Benjamin Franklin who said, “Some terrible things happened in my lifetime – a few of which actually happened.”

By avoiding the panic, you won’t waste time, anxiety, and energy trying to solve what probably doesn’t need solving. Second, when you learn to keep your bearings, your wisdom will come forth. In the absence of worry, answers will emerge. Instead of a head full of concerns, you’ll create a head full of solutions. Finally, when you stay calm, you really do bring out the best in others. Many people react to the feelings of others. If you can maintain your bearings, chances are the people you work with will, too.

To bring forth your greatest potential, eliminate panic altogether from your thinking..

Courtesy: Email fwds

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

lovely SMS

when u face choices, just toss a coin. not becoz it settles the question, but while the coin is in air, u will know what ur heart is hoping for...

one of the wonderful lines i have encountered in my life

thanks re deyyam, for sending such a lovely SMS

Monday, July 12, 2010

felicitaciones (congratulations)

felicitaciones to the Spain foot ball team..

I am a football illiterate
but in congratulating winners... i have a doctorate in that :)

i was associated with foot ball as a player in my schooling.. but as a player i used to maintain a lot of distance between me n the ball :)
I loved foot ball but was not eager to play due to my under-weight (or was it my co-players over-weight??)

my current employer organization is associated to Spain a lot. Founder of the trust is Father Vincente Ferrer, a Spanish - born. Major sponsors who fund our programs are Spanish.

So we have a strong reason to celebrate the win..

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Let go of fearful thoughts

If you gathered up all the fearful thoughts that exist in the mind of the average person, looked at them objectively, and tried to decide just how much good they provided that person, you would see that not some but all fearful thoughts are useless. They do no good. Zero. They interfere with dreams, hopes, desires, and progress.

Fearful thoughts take many different forms. Sometimes they sound reasonable: “I’m just being careful, so I’m taking my time.” Other times they are tied to your past: “I’ve tried that before and it didn’t work.” Occasionally, fears are cleverly disguised as being realistic: “Most people fail, so I want to be absolutely sure before I get started.” I could fill page after page with other examples. Yet when you take a close, honest look at every fearful thought, there are threads of similarity. All of them are explanations or rationalizations for why something shouldn’t or can’t work. They are usually justifications for quitting, or for not getting started.

Fearful thoughts hold you back, not some but all of the time.

A critic, especially a fearful one, will look at this advice and say it’s unrealistic, simplistic, and/or foolish. The problem with overcoming these objections is that, on the surface, they sound reasonable. Let me assure you that I’m not suggesting you ignore the facts and take unnecessary and/or foolish risks.

What I’m talking about here are the fears that clearly and directly interfere with your dreams – the fear of rejection, the fear of failure; thoughts like “What will everyone think of me? I might look foolish,” or “I don’t think I can do it, I don’t have the time, or the experience, or the confidence.” These common, ongoing fearful thoughts are the dream snatchers of our own making.

Courtesy: Email fwds

Ask for what you want

It is astonishing what you can accomplish by simply asking for what you want – help, forgiveness, an idea, another chance, a break, or whatever. And not only can you get what you want by asking for it, but often the person you are asking will thank you for taking the initiative.

If it’s so obviously helpful and important to ask for what we want, why do so few of us do it? Once again, the answer is fear. We worry about the outcome. We’re afraid of rejection or a negative response. We might be worried about offending someone or being perceived of as weak, or of taking advantage of our relationship. We may feel we don’t deserve help.

For a multitude of reasons, we allow past negative experiences and/or our own made-up fears to taint our present opportunities.

It’s actually quite arrogant and self-righteous to assume that others aren’t as willing to help. I’m not the only nice guy around. The key in asking for something, large or small, is to be sincere in your beliefs that, deep down, others want to help you. You must approach your request by assuming that the person you are asking is just like you – he or she has an inner longing to be of help to someone.

Once you remove the fear of asking for help, your wisdom and common sense will instruct you when and how to ask.

Courtesy: Email fwds

My role models born on July 8

It is said that Leader is one who does not tell people around him to follow him but inspires n motivates them to follow him in his foot steps. I have seen n heard n read about very few leaders in the history of man kind. No mentioning of all the names of leaders who have impact on me.

On July 8, i can mention 2 of my role models have come on to this earth. One is Dr.Y.S.Rajasekhara Reddy and two is Sourav Ganguly. I cant exactly remember when they started to impact me n my life but there is a lot to testify.

It might be a coincidence that both of them share their birthday on July 8, but also equally share my panel of role models of my life. Known for the aggression, passion, dynamic, royal, never-give-up, die-hard attitude, both have proved to be one of the best of their kind in their fields. In India, more or less politics and sports share the same pace n policies. Looks like a controversial statement made but it is a fact which has to be given a nod of agreement.

Why i love Late.Dr.YSR, the former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh?
  • A promise made, a word given- has to be fulfilled. In the game of politics, every politician comes up with many promises in many times of their careers but very few fulfill those. Most politicians dont even give a try to fulfill what they had promised. Be it providing of free-electricity to rural farmers or fees reimbursements to eligible students or 108 health services or no-hike in electricity/bus-transport charges, he has kept his word. In facing the strong opposition from home party n implementing these schemes, he has scored distinction. To make a strong note here, less than a year after his departure from earth the bus fares were hiked. How could he maintain the budget and not increase the fares in his tenure of 5 years?? Answer is known only to him and his cabinet ministers and the then Finance Minister Mr.Rosaiah.
  • Concern for the farmers n agriculture. Ask me wht i can remember about my schooling, the first line i remember is FARMER IS THE BACKBONE OF THE COUNTRY. YSR is the one CM who believed strongly in this basic line. He went too far n fought too much for the well being of farmers and water projects. We are advancing technically in a very rapid pace. Our economic status is changing in the same pace, but as humans, the basic need is food. How can we forget or neglect the sources of food production?? He did not and that is what hit me.
  • Standing strong and the guts. 2009 general elections and the sole reason why Congress party could come back to power is Dr.YSR. Any one denying this is a fool. Even the opposition political parties accept this fact. Just think of how much gut feeling n confidence one should have, to face four strong united(for the sake of elections n power) parties. He stood there all alone, facing the useless critics from his fellow( i am deeply ashamed to use this term here) party men. What was his confidence? He believed that the good deeds his government has done will get the party back to power. He proved it right. This proved him that he was the real leader who knows what he does n what his team does.

Rajanna, nuvu rajuvayya, maha rajuvayya.....

Why i love dada Sourav Ganguly, the most successful former caption if Indian Cricket team?
  • Aggression. This must surely be the synonym for Sourav Ganguly. He has used this as the weapon to fight back the strong-headed Aussies. He taught the same to the team. He was made the captain when the Indian cricket was in a very mess, bookies n betting making the headlines. Even the legends did not come forward to take the responsibility to steer the team. During this odds, he took up the challenge n made it. The team went on to hit the games overseas. Boys were in a full swing under his leadership to chase the Aussies and the other stronger teams out there.
  • Never-give up attitude. Critics, legends, cricket fans n all types of media attacked him at a time. Any one with a weak attitude might have retired silently. But if that was the case, I would not have mentioned him today like this. All his success rate n career achievements did not help him to face the criticism. He did not even use his past glory to disprove n face them. He fought back. He got a chance in the team n proved what he really was. Glorious farewell with back to back centuries, player of the season records.
Royal Bengal Tiger n Prince of Kolkata...

It is good always to learn some thing positive, some thing helpful, something bold, something which can change the world stating from within. I learned some from them.

We will miss u Rajanna. As a loyal supporter of YSR, I wish n extend my support to the Odarpu Yatra taken up YS Jagan. Hoping that u will not disappoint us n will be like YSR n serve people more than wht ur dad did.
Happy Birthday to Dada

Note: I have not availed any direct n personal benefits from YSR or his family, but I am happy for the governance he has laid n the fruits are to be enjoyed in the future generations.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Be aware of what you do not know and are not good at

My father used to tell me as he read my poorly written essays in school, “It’s not important that you’re not a great speller. It’s really important, however, that you know that you’re not a good speller. That way, when in doubt, you can use the dictionary.”

My dad was absolutely correct, but not just about spelling. The same idea applies to virtually everything. In my work, for example, it’s not critical that I’m an expert editor as long as I know my own weaknesses and limitation. I can hire someone to fill in where I’m weak. Similarly, I’m not a great coordinator for putting together all the details of a public lecture. No problem. I can hire someone who is. It’s always smarter to do this and, in the long run, it’s almost always less expensive and more profitable. The only time there would be a problem is if I didn’t know that I wasn’t good at something or if I was unwilling to admit it.

Chances are you’re probably really good at certain things and really bad at others. So what? Why should you frustrate yourself? This doesn’t mean you can’t learn new skills or improve existing ones. It merely suggests that you spend the bulk of your time doing whatever you are good at and is most important to your success.

It’s easy to get bogged down and defeated doing tasks you aren’t very good at.

Courtesy: Email fwds


Persistence is the number one reason for our success. Joe Kraus